Tech Firm Reveals Portal Progress

Published in Antiques Trade Gazette

US tech firm Ronati’s eCommerce Management system for dealers to manage stock has agreed partnerships with 15 dealer portals. Recent names added include LAPADA,, 2Covet, The Bruno Effect (TBE), Decorative Collective, and Hoarde Vintage.

Dealer Mark Hill, Ronati’s UK managing director, said: “This system offloads the uploading for dealers. Inventory is centralised then syndicated to different marketplaces. Dealers want to be on more than one marketplace and this enables them o keep their stock up-to-date on more than one site without the time-consuming administration.”

The firm currently has around $7m of managed inventory in its system with around 55 dealers using the system, 42 in the process of using it, and 120 on the waiting list.